SARONG work 31 May 2024
Working with a sarong on your client is a gentle, nourishing and often soothing technique.
You can use it in many different ways, either to start your session or to end it with.
In the morning we will spend time on working playfully and exploring the possibilities on different bodyparts.
- rocking the body
- stretching the body
- 'biohacking' the nervous system
- activating/ energizing
- and not to forget... your own posture and training/ stretching while you give the session.
After lunch, we will go into the 'closing-the-bones' ritual. I often use this ritual to close sessions which have been deep. It helps to ground the client and often to close a certain chapter in their lives.
For the giver of the session, this gives a way to work in a different posture while your client is still lying down. You can stand, stretch and use your body differently.
For most people, it looks much easier than done. With some practice and tips & tricks, you will be able to enjoy giving sessions with a sarong quickly.
​As for the client, this techniques help them to go into a deeper level of surrender. The feedback they often give is: feeling safe, nourished, calm and happier.
​There is space for max. 12 participants.
​This day will be in English and some translation into Dutch is no problem. ​
For whom is this training?
​Masseurs, Bodyworkers, yogateachers who work on the floor. This technique is not suitable for applying on massage-tables.
Date & time​
​Friday 31 May 2024 from 10.00- 17.45 hrs.
Welcome for tea at 9.30.​
Location: Roerdomplaan 88 in Capelle aan de IJssel
​€160,- incl. 21% VAT, vegan lunch, tea and coffee and 1 sarong.
(€ 50,- non-refundable downpayment to secure your spot.)​
Please feel free to contact me through whatsapp or a call in case of questions 0643888771